Thursday, April 11, 2013

The Walks

               Yesterday I enrolled John in Hospice.  His level of care will be better and they provided more equipment for this care.

                Each day John's health is fading.  His body has trembles now, he baubles  and his all over appears is of a failing body.  While I am there we generally go for long circulate walks in the halls and I talk to him.  John is still there---------his hand will go up to wave to someone as we pass or he will say, "Hi, there." 

                 A couple Hospice nurses have used the theme that dying is like being born-- it is a process.  Yesterday, the lady said that some times the spirit is more ready and have to wait for the body, other times is it is the opposite.  Then there is the sweet spot of coming together spirit and body and the individual passes over.  I would describe these days as terribly sad but also there is a tenderness and sweetness fulled with love and memories. 


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