Sunday, October 30, 2011

99% Issue

       Last week on the Alzheimer Room post there was a chart listing the cost of caring for people with this disease.  I will skip the long details but two numbers I remember well.  The average stay in a nursing home for a Alzheimer person is 25.4 months and the average cost is $84,000 a year.  Think about the people in your family, your circle of friends and your neighborhood.  How many of them could put their love one into this type of care and not become one of those people living in a car?

        Our society has divided people into the throw aways people and the people that are valued.  Our society is broken.  The 99% have none of the answers but they are asking the right questions for the first time, in a long time.  I want to hear more of their questions.  This will take time, there are many questions.  Let's all listen to the questions. 

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