Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Shadowing and the 36 hour day

  I had a visit with David, a Geriatric Care Manager, he had some reaffirming ideas yesterday and also some insight for the path in the future.

                  John has lost the ability to dress himself, often says we should go home now (lose the sense of place) speak in phases and incorrect words, has control issues.  The next major lose will be mobility.  We discussed that in terms of falling, ER, moving John to a facility. On the other hand John has no other health issues such as high blood pressure or heart disease.   Still possesses a pleasant personality (last thing to go).  My needs centre around the "36 hour day" and the "shadowing".

                  Financially, I will completely cover all cost for John's care.  There is no moving funds, trusts ects in this state.  I must be down my last $50,000 for any state help. Cost begin at $3,500 and go to over $7,000 a month in typical care places here.  Nursing home are great in offering activities during the day, group home are strong in three people caring for six people but few or no activities.  Cost are about the same.  Hourly rate for help in the house is $20.

                  Dave's suggests I build on the success of the STARS program and have someone pick John up and continue caring for him - here or other activities.  More help on the off days.   I will work on a master plan of more caregivers giving me help and keep John at home for the time being.  Dave suggestions one or two max people for this as John will know them and feel more comfortable.  Dave, also, said I am very resilient from what he can gather, resourceful and have family support.  But also, says, I will hit a wall.   "Realize that, it is coming and at that time, things change."

                 My son, Ken had picked up John yesterday and was here for part of the discussion along with John and me.  Later, Ken said every 8 to 10 months you meet an extraordinary person and Dave is one of those people.   I do live with the principle of each day is a start over, one day at a time.  The plan is in place until the plan doesn't work.