While preparing dinner, standing at the counter half watch a late afternoon show and watching John circle around the living room I got two surprises. John picked up a picture of himself that my sister Ellen took last year. He held it in his hand a few seconds and say, "This is a good picture of Fred, don' t you think?" This is about the third time that John has looked at this picture and mistaken the picture of himself for that of his brother. The other times, I have corrected John but last night, I thought what's the point. Fred is closest in age to John being two years old but physically each takes after a different side of the family. Fred is shorter, bald, built very square whereas John is taller, longer legs and still have hair.
Another afternoon surprise was John asked me where Loretta went. I answered I am right here. "No, where did she go?" Pointing to myself, "I am right here!" then finally with a little embarrassment, "oh, yes, yes". This has happened a couple times in the car after I pick John up at the Senior Center but I think the anxiety of the waiting for me and going home plays into those occasions. Yesterday in the living room tells me that John is disconnecting more to the world he livings in little by little.
On Friday and Saturday John got acupuncture treatments. Both days he it had a calming affect on him. John spent the rest of the day more relaxed, less anxious and more aware of what our evening was about. Sadly, the treatment are very short term in their affects.