One of the things, John has been consistent about during his life has been his habit of eating slowly. Food become an important focus because of his early childhood allergies and how his medicines had changed his taste buds. The list of favorite foods and little habits liking ketup on unfamiliar items was always tolerated.
Now, John eats so fast, I am afraid he is going to choke. He drinks a glass of water or wine with one lift of the glass! Recently, it happened that he finished his breakfast and then took my breakfast and completed that one also along with my vitamin pills. Needless to say, when I walked back into the dining room I paused for a moment to question, "Did I eat my breakfast and forget?"
John at a picnic in HI. with Hannah and Mira |
After meals now he want to put his dishes in his bathroom. I often find an assortment of drinking glasses in his bathroom, along with a dish or two. A few days ago I notice the phone was misplaced until I was putting away some clean socks for John and found the phone in his sock drawer, along with a flashlight that I use to check on the chickens at night.
This morning was the strangest one or maybe it is just new to me. My garden basket with a couple tomatoes and some picked raspberries were on the bathroom counter.
His corner of the world is becoming more important and he wants it all there, I guess.